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People and organizationsAlexander, Ronald Okeden, 1888-1949
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- 1888-1949
Ronald Okeden Alexander was a noted army leader in World War I and World War II. He was a member of the following regiments: the Victoria Rifles of Canada, 1908; Royal Canadian Regiment, 1910; 24th Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1914-1917; 2nd Canadian Division, 1917-1919; Canadian Army, Permanent Force, 1919-1939. He was General Officer Commanding (GOC) in the Canadian Pacific Command, 1940-1942; and Major-General, 1942-1945.
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Norman William Alford was born in Croydon, Surrey, England. He obtained a B.A. in English from the University of London in 1962, an M.A. in English from Birbeck College, University of London in 1964, and a Ph.D. in English from the University of Texas in 1966. He taught school in Sussex, Ceylon, and Southern Rhodesia during the 1950s and also worked at the Federal Ministry of Education for Rhodesia and Nyasaland from 1961 to 1962. He came to the University of Victoria in 1964, first as a student and later as a professor, and taught in the Department of English. After leaving the University of Victoria, he moved to Mexico in 1984. Throughout his career, Alford has published novels, short stories and scholarly works, including a book about the Rhymers' Club. Some of his stories, including "Allergy" and "Bungalow", have been published in the Malahat Review.
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- 1950-
Bruce Alfred (1950-) is a Kwakwaka'wakw artist and carver. Born in Alert Bay, B.C., Alfred learned his craft as an apprentice to Richard Hunt and Doug Cranmer. Alfred is a skilled carver, specializing in bentwood boxes and poles.
Alfred was among the artists who built the Alert Bay longhouse and the Northwest Coast Village in the Netherlands. In 2008, be won the BC Creative Achievement Award for First Nations' Art.
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- 1970-
Eugene Alfred (1970-) is a Tlingit artist. He was born in Mayo, Yukon and is a member of the Selkirk First Nation.
Alfred studied art at Kitanmaax School of Northwest Coast Indian Art in Hazelton, B.C. and works full-time as an artist in Whitehorse, N.W.T.
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- 1953-
Harold Alfred (1953-) is a Kwakwaka'wakw artist. He was born in Alert Bay, B.C. and was internest in art at a young age, in the 1970s completed the Indian Arts and Crafts Ethnology Course at the Royal British Columbia Museum in Victoria, B.C. under Peter McNair.
Alfred is am established wood carver and jewellery maker, creating various jewellery pieces such as pendants and earrings out of silver. His works have been exhibited in many galleries and museums and since the 1980s, Alfred has taught carving and jewellery making in Nanaimo, B.C.
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- 1958-
Wayne Alfred (1958-) is an Indigenous artist. He was born in Alert Bay, B.C. and is a member of the Nimpkish people.
He is known for his painting and sketches that feature Kwakiutl designs and wood carving.