100_FUJI [pets, garden, shows]
- File
Part of Red Jordan Arobateau fonds
File consists of photos of pets, flowers in a garden, and a medieval fair. Most images are blurry.
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100_FUJI [pets, garden, shows]
Part of Red Jordan Arobateau fonds
File consists of photos of pets, flowers in a garden, and a medieval fair. Most images are blurry.
Audio Files, Photographs, Journal
Part of Eve Joseph fonds
The file consists of born-digital files including textual records, photographs, and audio files. The text file (.doc) "entries & observations" consists of working notes and other textual files (.doc) relate to Joseph's speech and reading delivered at the Griffin Poetry Prize event. A folder "photos" includes photographs (.jpg) from the Griffin Poetry Prize and a folder "book launch" includes photographs (.jpg) of various launches and events for "The Startled Heart" and "Quarrels." Audio recordings (.m4a, .mp3.) relate to the Griffin Poetry Prize as well as Ian Brown introducing Joseph at a reading (.wav).
Part of Celu Amberstone fonds
The series consists of drafts of Ambersone's works. Includes ebook versions of titles.
Part of Red Jordan Arobateau fonds
Subseries consists of text files that have been transferred from floppy disks. The records include drafts of works, Amazon blurbs describing the works, 2 short documents of journal notes (2006, 2008), Book reviews by Red Jordan Press (3 items), submissions to Scribd (2009; 9 items), and a document containing Zine excerpts (2007).
Digital Photographs and Videos
Part of Father Charles Brandt fonds
The file consists of born-digital images and videos. Includes 23,297 image files and 75 video files.
Part of Face to Face Media fonds
Series consists of digital records predominately pertaining to "The Mind of A Child"; "Pride and Prejudice: The Road to Human Rights and Multiculturalism in British Columbia"; "Queen’s Harbour: First Nations Education, 1860-1970"; and other related projects.
Video interviews with Lorna Wasnost’a7 Williams and Gary Marcuse recorded in 2019 for the University of Victoria and Survival International are also included.
Part of DANNPAC fonds
The series consists of the electronic records of the Defence Association National Network, Pacific Region.
Part of John Pass fonds
The file consists of a flash drive of electronic files.
Mco's undersea pix [scuba diving]
Part of Red Jordan Arobateau fonds
File contains images of people scuba diving in a pool and in the ocean.