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Girard, Charlotte, 1924-2020
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Charlotte Girard was born in 1924. She graduated from the University of British Columbia in 1958 with a B.A., combined Honours in French and History. She obtained an M.A. in history from Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania, in 1960; her thesis was entitled, "The Method of Describing a State in the 16th Century". She received a Ph.D. from Bryn Mawr in 1968; her Ph.D. dissertation is entitled, "The Effects of Western Hemispheric Issues Upon Franco-American Relations During the Second World War". She taught at the Baldwin School, Bryn Mawr, (high school history), for one year, and on 1 July 1964 was appointed professor at the University of Victoria Department of History.
In addition to her teaching and research, Prof. Girard was also active in other organizations. She served as Director, Third Year in the Paris Program of Reid Hall, Paris, from 1962-1963, and served on the Canada Council in 1974-1975. She was also active in the Canadian Institute for International Affairs (CIIA), and in 1973 participated in meetings of consultation in the Ministry of External Affairs, Ottawa. She received a Woodrow Wilson Fellowship in 1958 and the Aurelia Henry Reinhardt Fellowship (offered by the American Association of University Women) in 1962. She was also awarded a Canada Council Leave Fellowship from 1971 to 1972, to work on Canada in World Affairs, Volume XIII, 1963-1965, which was published in 1979.
Professor Girard retired from the Dept. of History in 1989 and passed away on April 27, 2020 in Victoria.
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ISAAR-CPF (2nd ed.) | OCLC Fast