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Ted Harrison fonds
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Series consists of material related to accounting matters and consists of the following files: Accounting; and Ledgers. This series is not to be considered a complete representation of Harrison's accounts. Documents relating to accounts (excluding galleries and publishing) are found within their own files.

Art Works

Series consists of materials references and original art works by Ted Harrison. Series consists of the following files: Materials; Sketches and References; Items in Print; and Cartoons. Includes awards and certificates.


The accrual consists of diaries, 1980-2003. Includes newspaper clippings, cover art samples, and photographs.


Series consists of correspondence, sales records, and contracts between Harrison and a number of galleries.

Harrison Appearances

Series consists of correspondence regarding events which TH participated in, and consists of the following files: Biennale of Illustrations Bratislava, 1985; various locations in Japan; Arts Umbrella in Vancouver and a cruise to Alaska; International Board of Books for Young People in Nicosia, Cyprus (1984), Williamsburg, West Virginia USA, and elsewhere; National Parks Centennial Citizens' Committee of Toronto and elsewhere; Newfoundland Historic Parks Association, St. John's, Newfoundland; International Reading Association 37th Annual Convention in Orlando, Florida in May 1992; Saskatchewan Reading Council Conference in Regina, 2002; International Children's Project, Inc.; Painters at Painter's Lodge, Campbell River; and a reading tour with West Vancouver Memorial Library.

Harrison Family and Personal

Series consists of correspondence and documents outside the realm of Harrison's art business. There series consists of the following files: Personal correspondence; Letters from old friends; Other artists; Ted's writing; Biographical; Cards to Ted; Order of Canada; Athabasca University PhD; Quotes and jokes; Art Collection; "Nicky" Robina McNichol Harrison; Charles Harrison; Sigrid Reisch; Gloria Saarinen; Investments; Real Estate and other purchases; Wingate Arts Ltd.; Parlee Irving et al Legal.

Miscellaneous Objects

Series consists of art tools: paints, brushes, aprons. Also includes other miscellaneous objects: dolls, carvings, lantern, satchel, decorative towels, feathers.

"Painting Paradise" Research Files

The accrual consists of Katherine Gibson's research material used when she wrote a biography about Ted Harrison called Painting Paradise. Records include newspaper clippings, photographs, exhibit catalogues, letters [many are copies], and other material reflecting his life activities.


Series consists of travel photographs and slides. Includes miscellaneous photographs, slides and negatives.

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