The accession is comprised of an autograph letter, signed, sent by Luke Fildes to Mrs. Lewis, clarifying the date of an invitation to dinner. Also included is a photograph postcard of Fildes. Fildes (1844-1927), painter, is known for his woodcut designs for magazines. He illustrated Charles Dickens' Edwin Drood (1870).
The fonds consists of an oversized volume containing a copy of a waterworks grant for Preston, Lancashire; indentures for Robert Abbatt. Also includes courtship correspondence between Jonathan Abbatt and Mary Dilworth, plus photocopies and floppy disks of same. The letters chronicle the courtship, discussions of faith, local events, shared sentiments, etc.
The collection consists of a one page typed letter signed to an unknown correspondent Sept. 8. 1930 regarding the letters of D. H. Lawrence which Huxley was then editing.
The fonds consists of a typed signed letter to Mr. Bunting re the publication of Crowley's manuscript "Magick Without Tears". Bunting was associated with a publishing firm. He asks him to send the manuscript to John Symons.
The collection consists of a handwritten letter to Laurenz M. Lamont from Martin Secker (Richards Press) re A.B. (Algernon Blackwood), plus photocopies of a handwritten letter to L.M. Lamont and a handwritten postcard to Mrs. Lamont from Blackwood.
The collection consists of one handwritten and seven typed, signed letters to W. Harrison together with one typed, signed letter response. The letters are mostly concerned with the topic of spiritualism. Soutar refers to Henry Ford, Dawson Scott, Sir Oliver Lodge, Walter de la Mare, and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.