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Derek Ellis fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1946 - 1997

The fonds consists of monographs, scientific articles, newspaper clippings, letters, slides, photographic prints, moving images, maps and other documents. The records are arranged in 3 series, reflecting Ellis's research and teaching interests: Environmental assessments, 1969-1997; Underwater Photography of salmon, 1957-1963; Arctic Research 1952-1967.

Ellis, Derek V.

Island Copper Mine fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1970-2000

Fonds consists of the following series: Annual Environmental Reports, 1971-98; ICM staff environmental reports, 1970-2000; University reports, 1970-2000; Consultants' reports, 1970-99; Government reports, 1970-97; and Other reports, 1970-2000. These reports document the history of the mine, as well as the monitoring information, problems, and solutions it dealt with over the years. The first two series are arranged by date. The remaining series are arranged alphabetically by author. The report files often also include scientific articles, newspaper clippings, letters and related documentation.

Island Copper Mine

Alan Austin fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1953 - 1997

Fonds consists of records related to Alan Austin’s activities as an educator and phycologist, including materials generated through major research projects and student projects, arranged into four series: 1. Seaweed Inventory Project; 2. Victoria Phenology Project; 3. Teaching and student material; and 4. Aquatic ecology projects. The Seaweed Inventory Project (SIP), in particular, is a valuable, detailed record and baseline survey of a substantial part of the coastline of BC, and the vegetation and biota (thus measurable on a global scale) supported at the time of the surveys done in 1972 and 1974. These data stand as a permanent record against which any coastal changes can be compared and measured. The sedentary, attached nature of coastal biota makes it particularly responsive to, and thus a sensitive indicator of changes in their environment. Forces of change include oil spills, toxic spills, runoff from land developments, marina construction, and natural catastrophic events. Series 1 has been arranged into four sub-series: SIP reports; SIP films and photographs; SIP correspondence and field notes; and SIP reference literature.

Austin, A. P. (Alan P.)

W. Gordon Fields fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1929 - 1978

The fonds consists of historical notes, student notes, PhD research data on squid and sardines (including photographic data), lecture notes by subject, and course notes; and files from: Victoria College Biology Department (1958-67), Victoria College Building Committee (1957-58), Victoria College Faculty Association (1952-63), Victoria College Board (1957-63), and Victoria College Faculty and Staff Association, (1949-55).

Fields, W. Gordon

Peter Newroth fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1966-2002

Fonds consists of two series:Marine Plants, and Water Quality (Aquatic Plant Management Program). The series document Newroths output as a professional aquatic biologist who was often supported by a large team of co-workers. The Marine Plant series includes unpublished manuscripts and publications on the biology of the red algal Genus Phyllophora and other members of the Family Phyllophoraceae, and related PhD research data, reference files, photographs, field and laboratory notes. This material makes reference to extensive dried plant and light microscope slide collections (mainly of North Atlantic, and Pacific Northwest marine plants) deposited in the Biology Department, University of Victoria.

The Water Quality series documents the evolution and development of the provincial governments Aquatic Plant Management Program (APMP), an innovative and comprehensive preventive and management program. Included are Newroths publications (1978-1994), information on introduced or exotic nuisance aquatic plants and animals in British Columbia fresh water systems, and approximately 100 technical reports on BC water bodies published by the province. The reports on APMP control and monitoring projects are grouped by the following geographic areas: Okanagan Lakes, Kalamalka and Wood Lakes, Cultus Lake, Christina Lake, Brannen Lake, Mara Lake (Little Shuswap), Shuswap Lake, Southern Vancouver Island and Lower Fraser Valley.

Newroth, Peter Russell

Carnation Creek Community History Project fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1998-2001

Fonds consists of the following series: Reports, 1999-2001; Field notes of interview with Angie Joe, 1999; Transcripts of interviews with First Nations, 1998-1999, including: Robert Dennis, Tom Happynook, Tom and Liz Happynook, Herb Joe, Tom Joe, Spencer Peters, Willie Sport; Transcripts of interviews with scientific researchers, 1999-2000, including: Gordon Hartman, Eugene Hetherington, Dick Leahy, Dave Narver, Charlie Scrivener, and Peter Tschaplinski.

Carnation Creek Community History Project