2013 UVic Sports Hall of Fame / Derek Ellis, Nicci Wright, Silverado Socrates
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Item is a video profile of athletes being inducted into the Sports Hall of Fame.
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2013 UVic Sports Hall of Fame / Derek Ellis, Nicci Wright, Silverado Socrates
Item is a video profile of athletes being inducted into the Sports Hall of Fame.
Part of Victoria Women's Movement Newsletter and Pamphlet collection
Series consists of the following newsletters and pamphlets: Abella, Rosalie -- Women and the prospects for employment. -- n.d. Adamson, Edith -- For conscience sake : taxes for peace not war. -- 1986 Adamson, Peter -- Women work twice as hard as men. -- 1980 Alliance for Non-Violent Action -- Pornography, rape, war. -- n.d. American Friends -- U.S. in Lebanon. -- n.d. American Friends Service Committee -- Questions, answers on the Soviet threat and national security. -- 1982 Anonymous -- Cultural aspects of violence in society. -- n.d. Anonymous -- Political assumptions of feminist therapy. -- n.d. Anonymous -- Why institutions don’t stop rape. -- n.d. Anonymous -- Law and practice: South Island Women for Economic Survival. -- n.d. Anonymous -- Uranium and radiation. -- n.d. Arkin, William -- On Impact: Modern warfare and the environment: A case study of the Gulf War. -- 1991 Arkin, William -- Naval accidents, 1945-1988. -- 1989 Ashford, Mary Wynne -- U.N. end of the decade for women meeting. -- n.d. B.C. and Yukon Regional Conference -- Women’s alternatives for negotiating peace. -- n.d. B.C. Coalition of People with Disabilities -- Violence and women with disabilities. -- 1992 B.C. Energy Coalition -- On the road with the B.C. Energy Coalition.-- 1980 B.C. Hydro -- Hey, Hydro! The answers to questions often asked of BC Hydro.-- 1980 B.C. Ministry of Solicitor General -- Sexual assault awareness. -- 1988 B.C. Ministry of Women’s Equality -- Stopping the violence: A safer future for B.C. women. -- 1992 B.C. Police Commission -- Preventing sexual assault.-- n.d. Barbara Schlifer Commemorative Clinic -- Your rights: An assaulted woman’s guide to the law. -- 1991 Barlow, Maude -- Women and arms control in Canada. -- n.d. BC Association of Specialized Victim Assistance and Counselling Programs -- Non-disclosure of victims’ personal information to specialized victim assistance programs: implications for women and children victims of sexual assault, child and relationship violence. -- 1998 BC Association of Specialized Victim Assistance and Counselling Programs -- Records management guidelines. -- 1998 BC Association of Specialized Victim Assistance and Counselling Programs --Restorative justice and criminal justice reform in British Columbia: identifying some preliminary questions, issues and concerns. -- 1998 BC Association of Specialized Victim Assistance and Counselling Programs --Discussion paper on the Supreme Court of BC decision in R. v. O'Connor. --1994 BC Association of Specialized Victim Assistance and Counselling Programs --Discussion paper on the Supreme Court of Canada decision in R. v. Carosella. -- 1997 BC Association of Specialized Victim Assistance and Counselling Programs --Discussion paper on the Supreme Court of Canada decision in R. v. Ryan. --1997 BC Association of Specialized Victim Assistance and Counselling Programs --Preliminary information paper on the Supreme Court of Canada decision in R. v. O’Connor. -- 1996 BC Voice of Women -- Report of the Tenth Annual Conference. -- 1973 Beardsley, Jan -- Introduction to action research. -- 1987 Beaubien, Paul -- Thought island on peace. -- n.d. Becker, Pam -- The domestic dispute in post-war Canadian magazines. -- 1996 Beitel, Garry -- My choice is peace. -- n.d. Bertin, Leonard -- Nuclear winter. -- 1986 Bertrell, Rosalie -- Early war crimes of World War II. -- 1984 Bowker, Marjorie Montgomery -- What will the Free Trade Agreement mean to you. -- 1988 Bridges Employability Program -- Survivor’s handbook: a resource guide. -- 1994 Bridges Employability Program -- Victoria Status of Women Action Group. -- n.d. British Columbia Council for International Cooperation -- Beijing and Beyond: How to become an activist Women’s rights. -- n.d. Bunch, Charlotte -- Lesbian-feminist theory: Our right to love. -- n.d. C.B.C. -- C.B.C. Ideas: Dissent and subversion. -- n.d. C.I.D.A. -- Tribute 1: To a safer world environment. -- 1986 Caldicotte, Helen -- The medical implications of nuclear power.-- n.d. Camp, Katherine -- On U.S. global intervention. -- 1985 Canada First -- Annual Report: Export of military goods from Canada. -- 1990 Canada. House of Commons -- Debate: Disarmament. -- 1984 Canada. House of Commons -- Arms Export of the Standing Committee on External Affairs and International Trade. -- 1991-92 Canada. Department of Justice -- After sexual assault: Your guide to the criminal justice system. -- 1989 Canada. Department of Justice -- The secret of the silver horse. -- 1989 Canada. Department of Justice -- What to do if a child tells you of sexual abuse.-- 1989 Canada-Palestine Committee -- An insight inquiry: Israel and torture.-- 1977 Canada-Palestine Committee -- The “Koening memo”: The secret document on handling the Arabs of Israel.-- 1976 Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of Women -- It’s your turn: A handbook for Canadian women.-- 1985 Canadian Association of Social Work Administrators in Health Facilities -- Domestic violence protocol manual: For social workers in health facilities.-- 1989 Canadian Catholic Organization -- Militarism: Obstacle to development.-- n.d. Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility -- No nukes. -- 1982 Canadian Labour Congress -- Women’s Work: A Report. -- 1997 Canadian Peace Alliance -- Structure document. -- 1985 Carr, Betsey -- Voice of Women in Brussels: NATO turns a deaf ear -- n.d. Cartwright, Peggy -- The baby buggy: A play. -- n.d. Cassebolt, Carl and Steve Rauh -- Toward organic security: Environmental restoration or the arms race? -- 1986 Centre for Conflict Studies, University of New Brunswick -- No substitute for peace.-- 1982 Chantler, Terry R. -- Energy...and us. -- 1978 Chowka, Peter Barry -- A tale of nuclear tyranny.-- 1980 Citizens’ Inquiry into Peace and Security -- What makes Canada secure? -- 1990 Cole, Wendy -- “False” allegations of sexual abuse in custody/access disputes.-- n.d. Committee for Prevention of Elder Abuse Elder abuse and neglect -- Abuse of aged -- n.d. Committee on Nuclear Issues in the Community -- Nuclear issues in the Canadian energy context.-- 1979 Community Legal Assistance Society -- Presentation to Victoria community groups.-- 1989 Community Legal Assistance Society -- Test cases and interesting and important litigation.-- 1993 Comox Valley Nuclear Responsibility Society -- Canada’s peace-making and arms-making. -- n.d. Covenant for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons -- Socially responsible buyers guide. -- 1988 D’Easum, Lille -- Hazards of the peaceful atom. -- 1970 Donato, Claudia -- Presentation for educational film concerning Guns: their fantasy vs. their reality. -- n.d. Donnelly, Mary Rose -- A prophet is vindicated: James Gareth Endicott. -- n.d. Douglas, Tommy C. -- Here come the supertankers!-- 1977 Dyson, Freeman -- Reflections: Weapons and hope. -- 1984 Early, France H. -- The Historic Roots of the Women’s Peace Movement in North America -- n.d. East, Natania T. -- What happened to Canadian feminism after suffrage?: A look at the University Women’s Club of Victoria, 1920-1939. -- 1995 Ellis, Megan -- Prostitution: Reflections on demand.-- n.d. Ellsberg, Daniel -- Call to mutiny: The notion that no nuclear weapons have been used since Nagasaki is mistaken. -- n.d. Elmer, Jerry -- Power plants and weapons: The nuclear connection. -- ca. 1978. Else, Jon -- The day after Trinity: J. Robert Oppenheimer and the Atomic Bomb. -- 1980. Engineer, Soonoo -- Second thoughts on Iran and Afghanistan. -- 1980 Epstein, William -- Reviewing the Non-Proliferation Treaty. -- 1986 Federated Anti-Poverty Groups of B.C. -- Brief to Royal Commission on electoral reform and party financing. -- 1990 Federation of Women Teachers of Ontario -- Violence against women and children.-- 1991 Fedorowicz, Hania -- Canadian women: An untapped resource for peace and security. -- 1988 Ferry, W. H. -- By what right?: Peace Sunday sermon. -- 1980 Franklin, Ursula -- New approaches to understanding technology. -- 1984 Franklin, Ursula -- Peace as an ongoing issue. -- 1994 Friends World Committee -- UN Commission on Status of Women, Vienna. -- 1992 Furhling, Pierrs -- Uranium killed Joe.-- 1980 Genesis II -- Female sex offenders programming.-- 1987 Gilchrist, Madeleine -- Women for a meaningful summit. -- 1986 Gilchrist, Madeleine -- Women for a meaningful summit: Athens. -- 1986Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women -- GlAATW brochure Trafficking in women -- n.d. Gofman, John W. -- Some medical causes and consequences of nuclear war. -- 1980 Gorbachev, Mikhail -- A world without nuclear weapons by Year 2000. -- 1986 Gorbachev, Milhail -- No nuclear weapons by 2000! -- 1986 Gose, Sally, Jenny Bazett and Shelley Reid -- Help yourself: health care resource directory for women in Victoria. -- 1981 Gough, Lyn -- Directory of women’s organizations. -- 1983 Great Peace Journey -- Preliminary report. -- 1985 Greenpeace -- Canada’s radiation scandal.-- 1990 Hall, Ross H. and Donald A. Chant -- Ecotoxicity: Responsibilities and opportunities.-- 1979 Hancock, Maren -- The saga of the first Women’s Studies Programme at UVic. -- 1996 Hanson, Gordon and Robin Blencoe -- 97 ways for a woman to protect herself.-- 1986 Harding, Bill -- Nukenomics: The political economy of the nuclear industry.-- 1979 Helmer, Richard -- A physician’s view of nuclear war. -- 1982 Hero Comix Group -- Andrea and Lisa.-- 1987 Hitchens, Christopher -- Minority Report. -- 1985 Humphrey, Nicholas -- Four minutes to midnight. -- 1981 IDERA Clipping Service -- Development and disarmament. -- 1983 Japan Confederation of A&H Bomb Sufferers -- Hibakusha (nuclear victims). -- n.d. Johnson, Leonard -- The U.S. and low intensity conflict in Central America. -- n.d. Johnson, Russell -- Peacemaking in a global perspective. -- n.d. Kurbatoff, George -- Ifs: The practical family manual.-- 1983 Lajoie, Sig, Father -- Acting together for justice. -- 1983 Laskey, Knoku -- How I survived Hiroshima. -- n.d. Lawson, W.T. -- Youth and violence. -- ca. 1969 Leach, Elizabeth E. and Thelma Ruck Keene -- A broken peace: Questions and answers from the Gulf War. -- 1991 Leaning, Jonathan -- In the village: Photographs from Nicaragua. -- 1986 Lees-Haley, Paul -- Innocent lies, tragic consequences.-- 1988 Legal Services Society of B.C. -- Getting out: Escaping family violence.-- 1996 Legal Services Society of B.C. -- Wife assault: Information on your rights.-- 1988 Lesbians in BC -- Legal status of lesbians in BC. -- 1991 Lewis, W. Bennett -- Canada: The quality of life and nuclear energy.-- 1970 Loomer, Anne-Lise -- South-Asian women in Victoria: An oral history. -- 1997 Lown, Bernard -- Soviet-American Cooperation: A physician’s perspective. -- n.d.
Part of Roderick Haig-Brown fonds
Part of Roderick Haig-Brown fonds
Part of Roderick Haig-Brown fonds
Part of Roderick Haig-Brown fonds
Part of Roderick Haig-Brown fonds
Part of Roderick Haig-Brown fonds
Part of Roderick Haig-Brown fonds
Fonds consists of records related to Alan Austin’s activities as an educator and phycologist, including materials generated through major research projects and student projects, arranged into four series: 1. Seaweed Inventory Project; 2. Victoria Phenology Project; 3. Teaching and student material; and 4. Aquatic ecology projects. The Seaweed Inventory Project (SIP), in particular, is a valuable, detailed record and baseline survey of a substantial part of the coastline of BC, and the vegetation and biota (thus measurable on a global scale) supported at the time of the surveys done in 1972 and 1974. These data stand as a permanent record against which any coastal changes can be compared and measured. The sedentary, attached nature of coastal biota makes it particularly responsive to, and thus a sensitive indicator of changes in their environment. Forces of change include oil spills, toxic spills, runoff from land developments, marina construction, and natural catastrophic events. Series 1 has been arranged into four sub-series: SIP reports; SIP films and photographs; SIP correspondence and field notes; and SIP reference literature.
Austin, A. P. (Alan P.)