11 Interviews with David Gurr:
John Barton, CHEK TV, Victoria, A Woman Called Scylla
Ida Clarkson, CHEK TV, Victoria, An American Spy Story
Howie Siegel, Victoria Cable, also with Saul Holiff, An American Spy Story, The Ring Master
Ida Clarkson, CHEK TV, Victoria, December 7, 1985, On the Endangered List
[Rich], CHEK TV, Victoria, On the Endangered List
Ida Clarkson, CHEK TV, Victoria, December 7, 1985, The Ring Master
Erica Kurth, Victoria Cable, with Anthony Jenkins, The Ring Master
CTV, Canada AM, with LIBBY SCHREIER on censorship and Salman Rushdie
Salman Rushdie public reading outside Coles Bookstore, Victoria, February 24, 1989, to protest freedom of speech
West Coast Cable, The Rushdie Reading
Anthony Jenkins, Victoria Cable, The Voice of the Crane