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Artifacts of Mary Barrow
Artifacts of Mary Barrow
J. Douglas Beardsley collection
J. Douglas Beardsley collection
Federation of Military and United Services Institutes of Canada fonds
Federation of Military and United Services Institutes of Canada fonds
From A. R. Orage, holograph letter signed
From A. R. Orage, holograph letter signed
Indians in tribal head dress entertain Lt. Gov. George Pearkes with native dancing at the Nootka ...
Indians in tribal head dress entertain Lt. Gov. George Pearkes with native dancing at the Nootka village at Friendly Cove.
[Lt. Gov. George Pearkes wearing tribal mask]
[Lt. Gov. George Pearkes wearing tribal mask]
Chief McWiney of the Nootka tribe puts on a tribal mask on Lt. Gov. George Pearkes. The mask was ...
Chief McWiney of the Nootka tribe puts on a tribal mask on Lt. Gov. George Pearkes. The mask was later presented to him.
Howard O'Hagan fonds
Howard O'Hagan fonds
Arthur Patterson Webb fonds
Arthur Patterson Webb fonds
John Peter fonds
John Peter fonds
Resultados 1 a 10 de 2562