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279 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales

Tom Sanderson fonds

  • Fondo
  • 1930 - 1935

The fonds consists of an album of photographs taken when Sanderson was living in Egypt. Most are taken in Egypt but there are a few taken in other African locales and the Middle East. The photographs are mainly of the landscape and tourist attractions, but there are a few of military bases and equipment. Also included is a photo of Sanderson (ca. 1930).

Sanderson, Tom

J. Douglas Beardsley collection

  • Colección
  • 1979

The collection consists of typescripts, photocopies of typescripts, dummies, page proofs, and paste-ups of "Premonitions and Gifts" and "Inside Passage".

Beardsley, Doug, 1941-

Federation of Military and United Services Institutes of Canada fonds

  • Fondo
  • 1974 - 2007

The fonds consists of biennial conference communications, strategic appraisals, position papers, administrative records, newsletters and material relating to the controversial CBC documentary "The Valour and the Horror" including correspondence, articles, clippings and government transcripts.

Federation of Military and United Services Institutes of Canada

Claude Houghton collection

  • Colección
  • 1951 - 1953

The collection consists of 4 letters sent to Graham Ackroyd concerning Henry Miller.

Houghton, Claude, 1889-1961

Howard O'Hagan fonds

  • Fondo
  • 1931 - 1981

The fonds consists of personal, business and publishing correspondence (1953-1982), and also five handwritten letters to Arthur William Wallace (1931-1978); typescripts of O'Hagan's unpublished autobiography, proposed novels and unpublished short stories and articles; notes, variant drafts and page proofs of "The School-Marm Tree"; photographs of O'Hagan and other O'Hagan family members and friends; published articles about O'Hagan and his work, programmes of ceremonies, greeting cards, and bibliography of O'Hagan's works; audio tape interview with O'Hagan, conducted by E.J. Hart in Victoria. Also included is a small amount of Margaret Peterson (O'Hagan) material, consisting of a typescript of "My Life With Howard O'Hagan" and manuscript poetry drafts.

O'Hagan, Howard

Arthur Patterson Webb fonds

  • Fondo
  • 1918 - 1935

The fonds consists of personal papers including a diary (1923) and correspondence; professional papers, including: appreciations, music, copywriting, magazine publications; and papers that he collected including pamphlets, press clippings and ephemera.

Webb, Arthur Patterson, 1889-1959

John Peter fonds

  • Fondo
  • 1928 - 1969

The fonds consists of records relating to Peter's teaching and research activities, including research grant applications, letters of recommendation and lists of bibliographic citations; notes, outlines, fragments, notebooks, manuscripts and galleys for "Along That Coast", "Take Hands at Winter" and "Runaway", as well as unpublished novels by Peter and correspondence with publishers regarding "Along That Coast" and "Runaway". The fonds include a small amount of material relating to Professor Peter's research and teaching activities, but primarily they document his writing activities, particularly the preparation of his novels, as well as unpublished works of fiction and essays.

Peter, John, 1921-1983

Michael O'Donovan collection

  • Colección
  • ca. 1932-1965

The collection consists of manuscripts and typescripts (some with holograph corrections) of "Scholar and artist", "The beauty", "Fish for Friday", "The others", The weeping children", and "Oration at W.B. Yeats' graveside by Frank O'Connor"; plus a notebook including drafts of "Modern Irish Literature" and "The lament for Art O'Leary".

O'Connor, Frank, 1903-1966

Thomas Allen fonds

  • Fondo
  • 1752

The fonds consists of a letter to Rev. Whiting of Oriel College, Oxford on political matters.

Allen, Thomas, 1681-1755

Eric Duncan fonds

  • Fondo
  • 1880 - 1930

The fonds consists of 5 holograph poems and typescript photocopies of 2 others. manuscript copies of "June Days", "The Love of the Ages to Come", "Unreasonable", and "November in Vancouver Island", plus typescript photocopies of "A Shetland Summer Storm" and "The Tsolum River". In addition, there is a small amount of biographic information.

Duncan, Eric, 1858-1944

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