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Archivistische beschrijving
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Reginald Herbert Roy fonds

  • Archief
  • 1900 - 2010

The fonds consists of records relating to Roy's university administrative activities and his research in aspects of military history, including Canadian history and Canada's involvement in World War I and World War II (particularly the Normandy campaign). Fonds includes photocopies of war diaries, files on various Canadian Army regiments and battalions (including the 31st Infantry Battalion, the 1st Battalion Regina Rifle Regiment, Canadian Scottish Regiment (Princess Mary's), the Seaforth Highlanders, and the B.C. Dragoons), files on the Canadian Officers Training Corps UBC Contingent University of Victoria Detachment, files on Canadian defence and military policy, audio interviews with Canadian military officers, clippings and other material concerning South Africa and South-West Africa/Namibia, and material relating to the Fenians (1880-1881). Fonds also contains minutes, correspondence and reports relating to academic committees and associations (including the University of Victoria Alumni Association), records relating to the Canadian Confederation Centennial Committee of British Columbia Historic Commemorations Sub-Committee, and background material, notes and drafts for Roy's books. Fonds also consists of material collected by Roy including the papers (1943-1979) of John Laurie (RCAF Provost Marshall), Rev. E.G. Parker, and the Red Chevron Association of Vancouver Island. The fonds also consists of an audio cassette of music from the war years. The fonds also includes 46 issues of South African Soldier.

Roy, Reginald Herbert, 1922-2013

Percy Gentleman fonds

  • Archief
  • 1918-1961

Fonds consists of a scrapbook of samples of children's school work, including drawings, writing, maps, arithmetic and agricultural exercises (1912-1925); 5 paintings; and Christmas concert programmes from Grand Rapids School (1922-1924) and French Bay School (1925-1931). The French Bay programmes include class photographs for two years. The scrapbook contains some loose material and is in poor condition.

Gentleman, Percy Herbert, 1875-1971

Carnation Creek Community History Project fonds

  • Archief
  • 1998-2001

Fonds consists of the following series: Reports, 1999-2001; Field notes of interview with Angie Joe, 1999; Transcripts of interviews with First Nations, 1998-1999, including: Robert Dennis, Tom Happynook, Tom and Liz Happynook, Herb Joe, Tom Joe, Spencer Peters, Willie Sport; Transcripts of interviews with scientific researchers, 1999-2000, including: Gordon Hartman, Eugene Hetherington, Dick Leahy, Dave Narver, Charlie Scrivener, and Peter Tschaplinski.

Carnation Creek Community History Project

Aiyyana Maracle fonds

  • Archief
  • 1964-2016

The fonds documents Aiyyana Maracle life and work as performance artist and writer, creator of and participant in arts festivals, her committee and conference work, scholarship, teaching, Six Nations land rights activism, transgender visibility and health projects, and personal activities. Records consist of textual records, graphic material, analog and digital sound and video recordings, and objects. Objects are comprised of garments, masks, accessories, animal bones and skins, and miscellaneous objects used in performance art and art installations. The fonds is arranged into ten series: performance art, visual art, writing, scholarship, conferences and committees, Six Nations activism, two-spirit and transgender material, notebooks and loose notes, personal records, and bibliographic records.

Maracle, Aiyyana, 1950-2016

James Hoffman fonds

  • Archief
  • 1921-2013

Fonds consists of materials to Hoffman's professional and research activities and reflects his involvement in the BC theatre community. Topics include: aboriginal performance, Carroll Aikins, British Columbia Theatre Conference, British Columbia theatre history, Llewelyn Bullock-Webster, Hamasta ceremony, Inkameep School, New Play Centre, "Nootka Sound , or Britain Prepar’d,""Oxford Companion to Canadian Theatre," "Playing the Pacific Province," Sydney Risk/Everyman Theatre, Theatre Energy, Theatre North West, Theatre One, Vancouver theatre history, Victoria theatre history, and the Western Canada Theatre (Company).
The fonds includes video recordings from the BC Theatre Conferences and audio interviews with Burton Lancaster, Garry Davey, Catherine Caines, Donna Spencer, David Ross, Robert Simon, Len Marchand, Ken Fayrholdt, Ann Adamson, Peggy Bernier, Judith Ceroli, Dorothy Davis, Nick Hutchinson, Cathy Marrion, Mavor Moore, and Phoebe Smith.

Hoffman, James F.

Else Lübcke Seel fonds

  • Archief
  • 1839 - 1973

The fonds consists of birth and marriage certificates, household accounts and naturalization papers; diaries and notebooks kept by Else Seel, including prose fragments, poetry, notes, draft letters to and about Ezra Pound, and ideas for stories and poems; carbon typescripts of works by Jim Clark and H.E. von Wittgenstein; music and lyrics written by Seel and others; coloured drawings of Else Lübcke, Gloria Seel, landscape scenes and copy of Emily Carr's "D'Sonoqua"; correspondence with family, friends and fellow writers, including Ezra and Dorothy Pound; photographs and photo albums of Else Seel with family and friends in Germany and Canada; transcripts and carbons of Seel's prose work, including stories in German and variant drafts of "Kanadisches Tagebuch" (Canadian Diary), and book reviews written by Seel; transcript drafts of German and English poems by Seel and translations by Seel of other poems; transcripts and clippings of Seel's published poems and prose and reviews of her work; German books on history and literature, musical scores, audio tapes of works read by Seel and others, and tape of family gatherings; scrapbooks of visits to California and mementos of Victoria.

Seel, Else, 1894-1974

George Randolph Pearkes fonds

  • Archief
  • 1890 - 1998

The fonds consists of records relating to Pearkes' military career, 1933-1976; Pearkes' personal and family papers, 1918-1978; and reference material including newsletters, magazines and other publications, 1906-1985. Records include correspondence between Pearkes and the Royal Canadian Legion, citations and birthday congratulations, Information Documents on the George R. Pearkes Children's Foundation, and a file relating to Mrs. Blytha Pearkes' activities with the Wives of Progressive Conservative Members and Senators, including membership lists and correspondence. Fonds also includes publications collected by Pearkes, programmes for official functions, annual reports of the Union Club of British Columbia and a numerous photographs of his life as a soldier and politician.

Pearkes, George R. (George Randolph), 1888-1984

Laszlo Hudec fonds

  • Archief
  • 1913 - 1958

The fonds consists of approximately 550 presentation drawings, sketches, conceptual drawings, working drawings, technical drawings (inclusive of blueprints), travel sketches and photographs. These include exterior and interior renderings of plans and designs for work produced in both Europe and in China. The architectural collection consists of works by Hudec and two other unknown authors. The work of Hudec is transcribed in English, German and Chinese characters. The work of the unknown authors is transcribed in Hungarian and German. There are also two boxes of textual records including notes, notebooks, photo albums, documents, letters, memos, scrapbooks, photos, legal records, rare journals, and newspapers clippings.

Hudec, Laszlo, 1893-1958

16th Battalion (The Canadian Scottish) fonds

  • Archief
  • 1900-1923

The fonds consists of records generated and utilized by the 16th Battalion (The Canadian Scottish). The fonds is arranged into 11 alphabetically organized series. These series include aerial photographs of the Western Front, information of a World War One operation at the city of Lens, orders issued to the Battalion, personnel records, photographs, publications (including early editions of "The Brazier"), reports, scrapbooks, information on training, minutes of meetings of the Veterans Association of the 16th Battalion, and a design for the 16th Battalion war memorial.

Canada. Canadian Army. Battalion, 16th

Glenn Parfitt collection

  • Collectie
  • 1941 - 2018

The collection consists of ephemera relating to Victoria, B.C.'s music scene, and includes posters, newsletters, ticket stubs, event passes and buttons. The collection also includes architectural records and a door handle from the York Theatre in Vancouver, B.C. Also included is a payroll and expenses ledger for an electric company with entries dated 1941 to 1949.

Parfitt, Glenn

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