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Military Oral History collection

  • Collection
  • 1979 - 2022

The collection consists of records generated by a number of different sources that have been brought together as a collection. The Social Sciences Research Project (1970-75) includes 29 interviews (and transcripts) with Major General The Hon. G. R. Pearkes and significant associates of Pearkes. They cover Pearkes' military career in both World Wars, his political career, particularly as Minister of Defence, and his role in the office of Lieutenant Governor or B.C. (1960-68). Over a number of years, subsequent to the Pearkes interviews, Dr. Roy commissioned several senior students to interview 185 former military personnel, Canadian and Allied. These were funded by the Department of National Defence. The collection offers personal accounts of action in the Great War and in most theatres of the Second War in which Canadians participated, as well as post war peace-time activities in NATO. When Dr. Roy retired in 1988 he gave a number of guest lecture tapes and some C.B.C. military oral history tapes. In 1982, Dr. Barnett B. Singer, a sessional lecturer, donated one interviews with a holocaust survivor, Mr. William Jacobs of Victoria. In 1983, Dr. David Stafford donated nine research interviews (and transcripts) for a book that he was doing on clandestine operations in World War II. In 1984, Elizabeth Hazlitte, a nurse at Victoria's, Veteran's Hospital, gave her interviews with six Great War veterans which she had completed on an L.I.P. grant. In 1990, Robert Winkenhower gave an interview of Olga Ghosh about the experience of a Jew living in Germany in the 1930's (accessioned 1994). In 1993, Cmdr. Hal Lawrence, a naval historian, donated copies of cassettes, summaries and transcripts of 120 interviews with retired Canadian navy personnel. These interviews were conducted between 1980 and 1990 under contract with DND. In 1993, B. Marshall, through Dr. Reg Roy, donated a cassette of an episode of Lister Sinclair's CBC radio programme called "Ideas". The episode was called "A Sense of War" and contains the experiences of Nursing Sisters in W.W. II. In 1997, Dr. Shawn Cafferky donated 22 tapes and transcripts of interview on Naval aviation also commissioned by D.N.D. Directorate of History and Heritage. Interviews with Lt. Col. John Edmonson, M/Gen. Norman Ross and Mr. Geo. Kidd (Major) were added in 2007. "War Stories: A Life Remembered", an audio recording of Thomas Miller's experiences in the Canadian Army during World War II on 2 compact discs was donated in 2008, as well as an interview with Ross Purse describing conditions in Oeyama Camp in Japan during World War II. Will Pratt's interviews of Japanese-Canadian veterans were added in 2009. An interview with LCol Cyril Neroutsos was added in 2010.

George Randolph Pearkes fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1890 - 1998

The fonds consists of records relating to Pearkes' military career, 1933-1976; Pearkes' personal and family papers, 1918-1978; and reference material including newsletters, magazines and other publications, 1906-1985. Records include correspondence between Pearkes and the Royal Canadian Legion, citations and birthday congratulations, Information Documents on the George R. Pearkes Children's Foundation, and a file relating to Mrs. Blytha Pearkes' activities with the Wives of Progressive Conservative Members and Senators, including membership lists and correspondence. Fonds also includes publications collected by Pearkes, programmes for official functions, annual reports of the Union Club of British Columbia and a numerous photographs of his life as a soldier and politician.

Pearkes, George R. (George Randolph), 1888-1984

Robert Wellington Mayhew fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1909 - 1969

The fonds consists of records documenting activities of Robert Mayhew and family, including subject files relating to Mayhew's career as Canadian Ambassador to Japan and as Minister of Fisheries, records of Grace Logan Mayhew, including diaries and notebooks on Japanese arts and crafts kept by Mrs. Mayhew on sojourns in Rome and Japan and material relating to her funeral in 1967; photographs of visits of Japanese dignitaries and the British royal family, as well as portraits of Canadian prime ministers; certificates of Mayhew's honorary Doctor of Laws degree, Freeman of Oak Bay and Victoria, and appointment of Mayhew as Minister of Fisheries and as Ambassador to Japan.

Mayhew, Robert Wellington, 1880-1971

Theodore Benning Monk fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1844 - 1959

The fonds consists of Monk's army service and course certificates and correspondence with the Monk family, records of the commander of the Gordon Head camp, and the Seattle liaison officer concerning the 5th Regiment and other army and business matters; personal records, including correspondence regarding a new Canadian flag, notes on the Monk family tree, insurance and investment records; photographs of Monk with officers and with Sir Arthur Currie, and drawings of proposed new flags for Canada.

Monk, Theodore Benning, 1884-1959

Cyrus W. Peck fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1914 - 1919

The fonds consists of extracts from Cyrus Peck's personal diary kept while overseas in World War I.

Peck, Cyrus Wesley, 1871-1956

Edward Peck fonds

  • Fonds
  • 2001

The fonds consists of a typescript of "Cy Peck, V.C.: a biography of a Legendary Canadian" by his son Edward.

Peck, Edward, 1924-

Okamoto family fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1909-1942

The fonds consists of photographs and documents relating to the Okamoto family's experiences in British Columbia.

Okamoto (family)

Charles Vernon Smith fonds

  • Fonds
  • ca. 1943

The fonds consists of a framed computer scan of a photograph. Vernon Smith, who is in the photograph, has supplied the Title and information above the picture. He has also provided identification of the staff below the photo. On the back of the photo is a photocopy of a clipping from the Victoria Times Colonist" dated 14 Aug 1995, relating to the history of the Station. Smith has typed on the top of it a list of early members of staff and below it, a list of people missing from the photograph. Copies of photographs of the station (from the National Archives of Canada) are located in the Bruce Brown collection (including the one in the clipping). There is also a copy of a scrapbook kept when the WRENS replaced the male personnel in 1944, in the Dorothy Robertson fonds.

Smith, Charles Vernon

Chad Evans fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1979-1991

The fonds consists primarily of drafts and research materials used to write his book "Frontier Theatre: A History of Nineteenth Century Theatrical Entertainment in the Canadian Far West and Alaska", published in 1982. Fonds includes musical scores and librettos, programs, photographs, scrapbook and four unpublished plays: "Murder Pattern," 1936; "Ascend as the Sun"; "Earth Song", by Herman Voaden; and "The Dragon", by Bertram Brooker.

Evans, Chad Arthur, 1951-

Ernest Thompson Seton collection

  • Collection
  • 1931

The collection consists of a typed, signed letter to J. R. Lowther, responding to Lowther's letter re natural history conditions in British Columbia.

Seton, Ernest Thompson, 1860-1946

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