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Letters re Bapty' s transfer.

a) Excerpt from Alexander's letter. (11/12/41)
b) Alexander to Bapty. (24/12/41)
c) Bapty to Alexander. (26/12/41)
d) Bapty to Alexander. (s) (26/12/41)
e) Alexander to Bapty. (2/1/42)
f) Bapty to Alexander. (s & typed) (4/1/42)
g) Alexander to Bapty. (10/1/42)

Miscellaneous newspaper clippings and pictures.

a) Boer War news.
b) Sergeant W. Bapty returns from Boer War.
c) "Colors are consecrated." (2nd Bn. Can. Scots. Regt.) (30/6/38)
d) "Lt. Col. W. Bapty succeeds Lt. Col. E.O. Keeler." (16/10/43)

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