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2562 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Letter re overseas service for 2nd Bn. : Bapty to Maj.-Gen. Alexander. (copy)
Letter re overseas service for 2nd Bn. : Bapty to Maj.-Gen. Alexander. (copy)
Letter: Magee to Bapty. (22/7/41)
Letter: Magee to Bapty. (22/7/41)
Letter: Alexander to Bapty. (3/9/41)
Letter: Alexander to Bapty. (3/9/41)
Directions for ascent of Mount Morse. (16/9/41)
Directions for ascent of Mount Morse. (16/9/41)
Letters re Bapty' s transfer.
Letters re Bapty' s transfer.
Telegrams re Bapty's transfer.
Telegrams re Bapty's transfer.
Defence study (Prince Rupert) (11/1/42) 3 copies.
Defence study (Prince Rupert) (11/1/42) 3 copies.
Letter: Walter Bapty to Mrs. Bapty.
Letter: Walter Bapty to Mrs. Bapty.
Nominal roll - Officers for Medical Course. (May, 1943)
Nominal roll - Officers for Medical Course. (May, 1943)
Miscellaneous newspaper clippings and pictures.
Miscellaneous newspaper clippings and pictures.
Results 1 to 10 of 118863