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Sandra Mattia collection

  • Collection
  • ca. 42 A.D., 1493

The collection consists of two medieval manuscript fragments, two incunabula, and a Herodian coin.

Herodian Coin

Coin minted by Herod Agrippa I, c. 42-43 AD, Judea. Prutah, 17 mm, dated year 6, with an umbrella-like canopy on the obverse and three ears of barley between two leaves on the reverse.

Cuneiform Tablet of Amar-Suen [King of Ur]

Clay tablet (43x51x15mm) with economic text and figures from the first year of the reign of King Amar-Suen. The impression on reverse with a pictorial cylinder seal depicting a seated figure is a rare, early example of pictorial printing.

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