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Elsie Allan collection

  • Collection
  • 1914-1980

Collection consists of material compiled by Elsie Allan concerning theatre in Victoria and other locations in B.C. and in England. The collection includes notebooks of annotated scripts, scripts of plays, announcements and notices of meetings of the Victoria Theatre Guild, programmes of amateur and professional performances in Victoria, New York, and England, and programmes of the British Columbia, Dominion, Kelowna, and Vancouver Island Drama Festivals.

Also includes Allan's photographs of Victoria and Field, B.C., Camp Petawawa, Salisbury, England, France and unidentified B.C. locations during World War I. Many of the photographs depict the military.

Allan, Elsie

Ray Williston fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1926-1984

Fonds consists of correspondence, memos, reports, photographs and maps relating to the Columbia River Treaty, 1950-1972, including the following series: Columbia River Treaty and projects, 1950-72; Other water and power projects, 1926-75 (including Skagit Valley, Fraser River, and water transfers); Lands and forests, 1956-76; BC Cellulose Co., 1976-78, 1984; and miscellaneous reference material. Inlcudes transcripts of the International Joint Commission Conference, 1959; and copies of the House of Commons Standing Committee on External Affairs, 19 March - 27 May, 1964.

Williston, Ray

Harold Allen fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1960-1979

Fonds consists of files relating to Allen's activities in the New Democratic Party, including federal conventions, 1960-1979; Waffle Movement [relating to the document "For an independent socialist Canada," also known as "The Waffle Manifesto" debated at the 1969 federal convention in Winnipeg] 1969-1971; Clippings, 1961-1972; Elections, 1966-1975; Committee for an Independent Canada, 1976-1977; Brief to the Royal Commission on Gasoline Price Structure, 1965; and NDP Speakers Notes and Policy Statement, 1961.

Allen, Harold Tuttle

Seaweed Inventory Project

Series consists of materials generated by the Seaweed Inventory Project, a major research project conducted by Dr. Austin and Robert Adams, research assistant and colleague. In 1972 and 1974, the project launched a survey of the seaweed along BC coastal waters. The series is complete record of the research project and includes original data, vegetation maps, reports, films and photographs, correspondence, field notes, reference literature, and other materials reflective of the activities of the researchers and project outcomes. Series consists of four sub-series:

  1. SIP reports, 1970-1997
  2. SIP films and photographs, [1972-1977]
  3. SIP correspondence and field notes, [1970-1977]
  4. SIP reference literature

Victoria Phenology Project

Series consists of materials generated by the Victoria Phenology Project, a major research project conducted by Dr. Austin and colleagues from 1964-1986. The project studied intertidal marine algae (seaweed) and climactic conditions in Victoria and environs, including Ashlee Bay, McNeill Bay, Foul Bay (Gonzales Bay), Ogden Point, Ten Mile Point, Metchosin, Gordon Head, Private Bay, Harling Bay, Maynard Cove, and Cadboro Point.

Teaching Material and Student Projects

Series consists of materials related to Dr. Austin’s activities as a faculty member in the Department of Biology at the University of Victoria, including records pertaining to tenure and promotion, student projects, and teaching material.

Aquatic Ecology Projects

Series consists of data collected during field trips, and related essays and field reports relating to the study of aquatic ecology in the Capital Regional District. Dr. Austin conducted numerous aquatic ecology projects for his students, during which they collected field data and submitted reports and essays. Material is bound in the following volumes: Ashlee Bay; BC creeks and lakes; Bilston and Metchosin Creeks; Blenkinsop Lake; Colquitz; Colwood; Elk and Beaver Lakes; Langford Lake; Millstream; Ogden Point; Phelps Sewage Treatments Facility; Hartland Landfill; Scott’s Poultry; Swan Lake; Victoria area lakes and creeks; Victoria area marine ecology and miscellaneous. Series also contains reports produced under the direction of Dr. Austin for Butchart Gardens, Colwood, Tod Creek, Whistler and Metchosin.

Board records

Series consists of the records of the Board of Directors, arranged into seven sub-series: Correspondence, 1963-1988; Directors, 1969-1989; Protocol statements, 1981-1986; Meetings, 1966-1988, predominantly 1980-1988; Legal documents, 1964-1985; AGM reports and plans, 1966-1988; and Kipling photo bequest, [1966?]. Included within this series are records pertaining to the structure and membership of the Board; the incorporation of the Bastion Theatre Society and subsequent name change; reports, plans, and meeting minutes; and a photograph with an attached newspaper clipping on verso. Photograph features Rudyard Kipling with other thespians.

Employment records

Series consists of employment records, arranged into five sub-series: Positions, 1968-1988; Associations and unions, 1982-1988; Duties and wages, 1971-1988; Youth and volunteer programs, 1978-1988; and Actor and actress portfolios, 1985-1988. Included in this series are records pertaining to managerial roles and responsibilities; correspondence and agreements with theatre associations and unions; staff job descriptions and salaries; and volunteer activities and youth employment. Series also contains acting portfolios with curricula vitae and portrait photographs.

Education records

Series consists of materials reflective of the education and outreach activities of the Bastion Theatre Company of British Columbia, arranged into five sub-series: Theatre school, 1965-1988; Theatre-in-education, 1980-1988; Outreach, 1977-1987; Youth tours, 1974-1985; and Photographs, 1968-1987. Included in this series are materials pertaining to the operation and marketing of the Theatre School; teaching manuals and correspondence pertaining to the Craigflower Schoolhouse Project, 1986-1987; outreach program materials; and photographs of youth productions. The Youth tours sub-series contains materials generated through the Theatre's youth tour program, the largest in Canada at the time, including itineraries, correspondence, teacher kits, contracts, show programs, feedback questionnaires, and scripts.

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