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2562 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Antonia Mills Interview

Interview with anthropologist, Dr. Antonia Mills, for Marianne Ainley’s research project, “Re-explorations: Gender, Science and Environment in the 19th and 20th Century Canada and Australia." The interview was conducted by Ainly’s research assistant Anna-Stina Kjellstrom. Mills talks about her academic career, and her experience researching the culture of the Beaver Indians [Dane-Zaa] in northern BC. She also talks about the differences between Indigenous and Western world views around knowledge.

Photographs Series

Series includes photographs of Peggy Pemberton-Carter and her adoptive mother, Florence Pemberton, documenting their lives in Shanghai and their travels to England, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and Hawaii; photographs of Peggy Pemberton-Carter’s birth parents; photographs of Nicolas Abkhazi and his mother, mainly in France, and of his father and groups of officials in Georgia and Russia; photographs of Nicolas and Peggy Abkhazi throughout their married life showing the building of their house on Fairfield Road, the development of their garden, and including photographs of their social life in Victoria, the interior of the house, holiday photographs taken on Long Beach and photographs documenting Peggy Abkhazi’s interest in dogs. Six negatives are filed in the negatives sub series.

Peggy Pemberton-Carter to 1945.

File includes photographs of Peggy Abkhazi’s birth parents, of Peggy Pemberton-Carter as a child, and of Peggy Pemberton-Carter and her adoptive mother, Florence Pemberton, in Shanghai, and on travels to Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Hawaii. 2 of the group photographs taken in Shanghai include Peggy Abkhazi’s first husband. The sub series also includes photographs of Peggy
Pemberton-Carter’s 1940 visit to the Mackenzie family of Victoria and photographs, possibly by a former Shanghai friend, [?] Bromley, with descriptions on the back of a trip to the Prairies, Active Pass from a ship, netting salmon, and the property (on a Gulf Island?) that he and his wife had bought.

1990.068.001-140 Album

The album contains photographs taken in England showing countryside, towns, and possibly Peggy Pemberton’s adoptive father, Tom Pemberton, in middle age; and photographs taken during Florence and Peggy Pemberton’s travels to Australia, New Zealand and Hawaii.

Nicolas Abkhazi and his parents to 1942.

File includes photographs of Nicolas Abkhazi as a boy, with fellow Georgian emigrees in Paris in the 1920s, with his mother and friends at Merville (a chateau near Paris?), ca. 193? and as a soldier and prisoner of war, 1939-1940. The series also includes photographs of his mother and group photographs in which Nicolas’ father is identified.

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