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17th Century Document collection

  • Collection
  • 1634

The collection consists of a legal document, written on parchment, dated 1634. Seal missing.

17th Century French Document collection

  • Collection
  • June 10, 1662

The collection consists of a legal document, written on parchment, dated 1662 June 10. Document is torn/damaged. Paper attached to document with string.

Ann Hansen fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1973 - 2007

The fonds consists of the following series: Direct Action-related clippings, correspondence, ephemera and notes; legal correspondence; pre- and post-parole correspondence, ephemera, notes and writings by others; correspondence received during incarceration; prison records (supplied to Hansen under an Access to Information request); Direct Action chapter drafts and related materials; and RCMP surveillance transcripts (closed until 2072).

Subject matter of the mixed clippings and correspondence series includes: anti-nuclear/anti-cruise missile activism, court proceedings, Elizabeth Fry Society, environmental issues, indigenous peoples issues, international activism, pornography, anti-pornography/anti-snuff films, prison-industrial complex, sexual assault, Red Hot Video, the Vancouver Five trial matters and sentencing, women's rights. Correspondence received during incarceration series includes: correspondence from Brent Taylor, Janice Bear Neudorf, and various supporters and publishers; series also includes 1 box of previous sealed letters from other members of the Vancouver Five, primarily Brent Taylor.

Hansen, Ann, 1953-

Arnold Petrie Watson fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1902

The fonds consists of a visa issued by the British Foreign Office. It has a stamp from the Consulate General of Turkey, on the verso, to allow the bearer to enter Egypt and Palestine. It is signed by the Foreign Secretary, Lord Lansdowne, and by the bearer.

Watson, Arnold Petrie

Avio Canadian capital punishment research collection

  • Collection
  • [Photocopied 1987]

The collection consists of copies of Avio's articles on capital punishment; and photocopies of summaries of capital cases as prepared by the Remissions Services Office (Minister of Justice), which were submitted to Cabinet for consideration of clemency, on advice to the Governor General.

Barbara Ann Roberts fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1974-1999

Fonds consists of sixteen series: university employment; 1977-1996; university teaching, 1974-1988; grant applications, 1980-1995; publications, 1975-1997; conference papers, 1978-1991; presentations, 1980-1997; unpublished papers, 1975-1995; Gertrude Richardson research, 1985-1996; Leicester Peace Society research, 1992-1993; women's movement, 1983-1996; peace movement, 1986-1997; miscellaneous correspondence, 1979-1998; family correspondence, 1987-1997; illness and death, 1998; photographs, 1986-1993, and Canadian women peace activists oral history interviews, 1987-1989.

The university employment series includes curricula vitae, job applications, and self evaluation files which document Roberts employment history and her publications and committee work, etc. The university teaching series includes course outlines, take home exams, and student handouts which shed light on her approach to teaching. The grant applications and publications series together provide an overview of the range and direction of Roberts' research interests. While most of the series are based on record type, the Gertrude Richardson research and Leicester Peace Society Research series are arranged by subject and contain correspondence and grant applications; the Gertrude Richardson Research series also contains conference papers. The Women's movement and Peace movement series both contain correspondence, although some correspondence pertaining to them will be found in the miscellaneous and family correspondence series. While the miscellaneous and family correspondence series consist almost entirely of inward correspondence, both contain a few printouts of e-mail correspondence or letters from Roberts which shed light on her daily life and research projects. The Canadian Women Peace Activists series contains interviews about and with Canadian women who were peace activists before 1960.

Roberts, Barbara Ann, 1941-1998

Barbara Findlay fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1962-2017, predominant 1999-2007

Fonds consists of records related to Findlay's work on the Kimberley Nixon v. Vancouver Rape Relief Society case; and a selection of publications on the experiences of trans individuals, particularly in relation to the legal system.

Findlay, Barbara

Barry family fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1770 - 1795

The fonds consists of copies of indentures of lease of the Barry family preceded by Copy Probate of the Will and Codicil of Thomas Barry, Esq., deceased, dated June 12, 1770.

Barry (family)

B.C. Ministry of Women's Equality fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1917 - 2004

The fonds consists of documents and ephemera from the British Columbia Ministry of Women's Equality. Includes a history of the ministry as well as documents about programs developed by the ministry.

British Columbia. Ministry of Women's Equality

Bristol Minute Book collection

  • Collection
  • 1738 - 1763

The collection consists of handwritten notes. The paper and ink are late 18th century. Extracts from the "Minet Book of the Chapter of Bristol beginning 1738 Sept 8".

Chapter of Bristol Cathedral

Results 1 to 10 of 54