Natural resources



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Natural resources

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Natural resources

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Natural resources

18 Archival description results for Natural resources

18 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Alan Drengson fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1945; 1968-2016

The fonds consists of two accessions of material primarily related to Alan Drengson’s academic career. These include drafts of papers, books, and poems, as well as university course materials, grant applications, professional correspondence, and documents for The Ecostery Foundation and The Trumpeter Journal. The fonds also includes some personal records.

Drengson, Alan R.

Capital Regional District Water Quality Division fonds

  • Fonds

Fonds consists of 2 series of monitoring data: Greater Victoria Water District reports prepared by the UVic Biology Department, UVic Studies 910402 - 950131 (1967-94); and phytoplankton count sheets obtained from CRD aquatic habitats and analysed by UVic Biology Department (1967-92).

Carnation Creek Community History Project fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1998-2001

Fonds consists of the following series: Reports, 1999-2001; Field notes of interview with Angie Joe, 1999; Transcripts of interviews with First Nations, 1998-1999, including: Robert Dennis, Tom Happynook, Tom and Liz Happynook, Herb Joe, Tom Joe, Spencer Peters, Willie Sport; Transcripts of interviews with scientific researchers, 1999-2000, including: Gordon Hartman, Eugene Hetherington, Dick Leahy, Dave Narver, Charlie Scrivener, and Peter Tschaplinski.

Carnation Creek Community History Project

Derek Ellis fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1946 - 1997

The fonds consists of monographs, scientific articles, newspaper clippings, letters, slides, photographic prints, moving images, maps and other documents. The records are arranged in 3 series, reflecting Ellis's research and teaching interests: Environmental assessments, 1969-1997; Underwater Photography of salmon, 1957-1963; Arctic Research 1952-1967.

Ellis, Derek V.

Derrick and Gwen Mallard fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1947-2001, predominant 1970-1997

Fonds consists of records related to the environmental activism and activities of Gwen and Derrick Mallard. The fonds is arranged in 12 series: Alpha-numeric series (A1-W27), 1959-93; Derrick Mallard series, 1947-2001; Gwen Mallard series, 1968-97; B.C. Environmental Associations, 1972-2000; BC Environmental newsletters, 1970-2000; Community Associations, 1990-2000; Capital Regional District, 1990-2000; Foundations, 1994-2000; Issues, 1973-2000; Land preservation, 1990-2000; Awards, 1992-2001; and Promotional displays and graphic materials, [1972-1996].

Mallard, Derrick

Elders Council for Parks in British Columbia / EKOS Communications video history collection

  • Collection
  • 2000; 2006-2008

Collection consists of video history interviews with park pioneers, as well as some events, created by EKOS Communications in partnership with the Elders Council for Parks of British Columbia to commemorate the 100th anniversary of BC Parks in 2011.

The Elders Council is an independent society, whose members are retired parks system employees and conservation advocates who have dedicated a significant portion of their lives to parks and protected areas in BC. These interviews served as source material for the documentary BC Parks: Celebrating 100 Years of Recreation and Protection.

EKOS Communications first launched in 2005 as with the goal of creating Canada's first independent new media channel. ekostv was re-envisioned in 2007 as EKOS Communications, Inc. which providing environmental education and communication services. Clients included Parks Canada, BC Parks, Natural Resources Canada, Organization of Eastern Caribbean States, Metro Vancouver, and Union of BC Municipalities. EKOS Communications™ services included project management, video production, audio production, web design and development, community animation, group process and facilitation, research and writing, communications strategy, communications consultation, environmental education, curriculum design, development and evaluation.

In December 2010, EKOS Communications Inc. dissolved and was re-formed as EKOS Communications under the sole proprietorship of creator, president and executive producer Rick Searle. As of April 2011, other chief officers of EKOS Communications included Creative Director/Writer Starr Munro, Editor/Shooter Richard Fulop, and Webmaster Prarie Blake. EKOS Communications™ stated mission is "to assist with the rapid advancement of ecological literacy and sustainability through environmental education and communication; Combining video, audio, animation, and print with new media innovations, EKOS Communications connects people more deeply with each other to work together for the betterment of the planet."

Standard questions were used in most of the interviews and included dates of employment/association with BC Parks, parks worked in, greatest challenges, accomplishments and regrets, lessons learned, hopes for provincial park system today and mentors.

Interviewers included Rick Searle. Interviewees: Bob Ahrens, Victor Bopp, Bert Brink, Luc Campeau, Ric Careless, Jim Delikatny, Yorke Edwards, Ken Farquharson, Milt Goddard, Don Gough, Herb Green, Gordon MacDonald, Ed Mankelow, Ian McTaggart-Cowan, Tom Moore, Denis Gorman, David Stirling, Bob Williams and John Woodworth.

Elders Council for Parks in British Columbia

Frank Gilbert Roe fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1859-1973

Fonds consists of drafts of essays, novels, short fiction, and transcripts of poetry; photographs of the prairie and British Columbian scenes; correspondence; family certificates and financial records; publishing contracts and agreements; draft chapters of The North American Buffalo and The Canadian Buffalo Today; two copies of The North American Buffalo with annotations and microfilm copy; Roe’s articles of buffalo, agriculture, Shakespeare and Marlowe; variant drafts of Getting the Know-How; reference files including journals, brochures, and pamphlets; CPR time books and railroad operating booklets; maps, some drawn by Roe, of western Canada and the northern USA showing actual and proposed railway lines, the buffalo range, Indian trails and the extermination of the American bison; one audio tape of a 1971 interview with Roe by Naomi Radford.

Roe, Frank Gilbert, 1878-1973

Friends of Ecological Reserves fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1972-1996

Fonds consists of 6 series: Khutzeymateen, 1981-1993; Ecological Reserves, 1972-1989; Reports, 1982-1996; Photographs, ca.1987; Audiocassettes, 1987-1988; Videos, 1987-1990. The Khutzeymateen series consists of correspondence, grizzly sanctuary proposals, maps, educational programming, press clippings, and office files. The Ecological Reserves series consists of maps and descriptions of B.C. reserves. The Reports series consists of reports on bear, timber, and ecological studies, management proposals, and other publications. The Photographs series consists of Khutzeymateen slides and prints. The Audiocassettes series consists of lectures. The Video series consists of videos about grizzlies in the Khutzeymateen and Canada, and wilderness issues.

Friends of Ecological Reserves

James G. Ripley fonds

  • Fonds
  • ca. 1940-1969

Fonds consists of copies of government reports, minutes of meetings, notes of conversations with several fellow lobbyists including General McNaughton and Paul Martin, and correspondence received in response to his articles. The files gather much of what was written or published about the Columbia River Treaty between 1944 and 1968, and provide a unique chronology of the activities and strategies used to oppose it.

Ripley, James G.

Katy Madsen fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1957-1995

Fonds consists of correspondence, reports, clippings, photographs and hand-drawn maps that document Madsen's involvement in various environmental campaigns in the Okanagan region. Campaigns include: Bodega Head, 1962; Brent Mountain, 1961-92; Spotted Lake, 1978-89; Trout Creek, 1972-93; and Uranium, 1971-95. The fonds also includes several files on the Sierra Club, 1971-83; and the Okanagan Similkameen Parks Society, 1966-69; and 4 chalk drawings of landscapes.

Madsen, Katy, 1921-2017

Results 1 to 10 of 18